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RAA Life

Spiritual Development

The spiritual growth of students is a top priority of our faculty. We believe a strong Christian education must include fundamental knowledge of scripture, the modeling and practice of prayer, and personal experience living out the values of brotherly love and service to others as taught by Jesus Christ.


Our curriculum includes daily Bible class, daily teacher-led and weekly pastor-led worship and prayer in each classroom, annual student-led Spiritual Emphasis Week, a grace-oriented discipline program, and practice putting faith and values into action through participation in mission trips, fund-raising for local and global crises, and volunteer opportunities.

Experiential Learning

RAA has a long-standing belief that learning should not be limited to the classroom. Science and history are two areas where RAA ventures out each year to engage in some amazing hands-on experiences for its students. Some examples are science and history trips to Albion, San Francisco, Monterey, and Nevada. The high-schoolers venture out to farther and have gone to Panama and London. 

RAA believes in investing in its students. We don't limit these hands-on trips to once a year. RAA's teachers focus on field trips each quarter that engage the students and teach them in a way that brings learning to life. Stay-tuned for your child's next learning adventure!

The Lumberjacks Athletics Program

The athletics program at Redding Adventist Academy emphasizes fun, health, and sportsmanship. Because we believe in the potential for team sports to build confidence, interpersonal skills, and a lifelong habit of physical activity, all students are encouraged to join our sports teams regardless of their skill level.


RAA competitive sports include cross country, basketball, volleyball, and softball. Participation costs are very reasonable.

Excellence in Robotics

Redding Adventist Academy competes inside of the North American Division of the Adventist Robotics league. This program’s goals are centered on inspiring students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to provide unique academic and social skill learning opportunities through robotics. The various components include core values, robotic design, project presentation and robot performance. The kids have a blast!

Fun on the Slopes

RAA has a long history of hitting the slopes during the winter season. Each year we load up our gear, students, and teachers, and we head North to enjoy a full day of fun in the fresh powder at Mt. Shasta.


We believe fresh air, the beautiful sights of nature, and physical exercise contribute to students' academic achievement. These experiences also help us to instill in our students an ethic of lifestyle balance. We also find that opportunities like these encourage the development of close friendships among students and a sense of partnership between instructors and parents.

"A quality Adventist education is among the top experiences I want for my two boys. I say this despite the fact that I personally never attended an Adventist school as a child, but went through the public school system.


By most standards, I had an excellent education, achieved top grades and advanced honors in the public schools in Southern California, as well as the UC and CSU systems. But, then I hear the stories my husband tells me of his time growing up in the Adventist school system. And now I've seen these advantages up close and personal with my own eyes since my oldest son has been attending RAA -- important advantages that I just didn't have.


Sure, I had good teachers who cared for me and taught me well. However, by comparison, the teachers currently at RAA are truly in a class all their own."


Sigrid Pitman,  RAA Mom

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